About me

Wandering this world of wonders and wild words, through an often whimsical walkway of white winters and warm waves… watching, worshipping it all, wanting way more… whelmed and wooed by this whirling world that makes us wonder.

Flavia Rocha Loures is a poet and an environmental attorney from Brazil. Her first book compiles the poems written over the last 20 years, in both Portuguese and English, depicting the various stages of her life in rhymes.

Poetry is something I feel compelled to nurture, create and share; at the same time, it’s a cathartic form of expression that brings me a unique kind of joy. It’s my little universe that also happens to be large enough to accommodate all poetry lovers around me, near and far. I’ve created this blog for believing that the world needs poetry and all its beauty… its ability to translate incomprehensible emotions and confusing thoughts… its talent to decipher humanity’s troubles and pleasures, alert us of our flaws and responsibilities, and celebrate all of what makes us wonderfully imperfect, as individuals and as a collectivity, through language. At a time when poetry is often forgotten or overlooked, all I hope for is that folks will take a moment to experience this form of art and take a chance to fall in love with poetry as much as I have.

Flavia Rocha Loures é advogada ambientalista, trabalhando desde 2005 no Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF), em Washington-DC. Seu primeiro livro, publicado em 2010, compila os poemas escritos ao longo dos últimos 20 anos, narrando as várias etapas de sua vida em versos.

Para adquirir “Vida em Versos”/For purchasing “Life in Rhymes”:
Ships within Brazil and internationally)

Ou através da página da Pulp no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/livrosdeviagem?sk=app_206803572685797&app_data=94850

1 thought on “About me

  1. Hi Flavia, I have been running a daily blog for 92 days now, the best way I know how to, designed to get signatures on a petition for peace talks to be initiated Worldwide. It is on Twitter Terry Cooper @SentinelVoice. I need to spread the campaign outside of my sphere of poets, family and friends and no matter how I attack the general public nothing seems to move them to sign.
    Have you any ideas or idealists who can help?

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